Email Coaching - daily, weekly or monthly
The daily mini challenge - each day I will invite you by email to spend no more than 15 minutes starting and finishing a decluttering task in your home or office that will help your daily life flow.
Home Schooling
A calm, designated space for learning sans sensory overload is a must. Children learn by example and feel secure with basic routines. A few well thought out tweaks is often all that is needed.
Kidlets, kidlets, kidlets. They flourish in the right environment. That comes in many forms but cleanliness and order are the fundamentals of any kid friendly space. To be able to touch, feel, play, manipulate and experiment freely and safely in their space gives them the opportunity for creativity that contributes to a well rounded adult.
Just need to feel a certain level of calm and manageability when you walk in the door? If our living environment, whether it be a house, flat or room is relatively sorted then we also feel relatively sorted mentally. Pieces of the puzzle of our lives work together on a daily basis to promote peace or chaos.
So much work to do, so little time. So let's make our time count for us not against us. Setting up and using key processes for our work tasks will only make us more efficient and gratified at the end of the day. Choose how you spend your time. Making memories and experiencing life in a way that is beneficial for you and those that matter to you.
A very emotional time. No two experiences are the same but the aftermath as far as sorting and decision making are very similar. There are so many things that the infrastructure of our world imposes as well as the emotional demands that are acute. This is often a time sensitive issue if there is a house to sell, rent out or other possessions to deal with. I can help you get through this even though you may feel like crawling back into bed.
Well, the time has come, it's you and your home. It may be that you are planning to move to smaller or simpler accommodation or it just may be that the legacy you want to leave (at any time in your life) to your loved ones is not clutter. Make no mistake, this is not a downer, this is an exciting new lease on life - for yourself or for those you love to have in your life. Going through it with someone else can help balance the emotional stakes. Let's just get in there and get it done. This is the time!
Blended Families
You have your life, kids, job, volunteer work, hobby and lo and behold now you have a new love interest. Time to make two lives one. Why at this point when you have a new opportunity to enjoy love and life would you let clutter and stuff and duplicates get in the way of that? Try and answer that one! Surely the one thing you have learned from all your time on this planet is that things are not worth it, people are. Please do not let this new opening to close due to an excess of STUFF.
Emergency Planning
We have been conditioned in this part of the world to always expect the big one. Well, as we have all learnt through our journeys is that there are different kinds of 'big ones'. The 'big one' may come in the form of an earthquake, a flood, extreme weather of some sort, but it can also be a personal emergency. We need to be ready. Let's sort out our go bags, safe houses and plans. Peace of mind is the best lullaby.
Like what you may ask? Well, if you want to think of it in terms of your emergency planning, ask yourself this: If I were given 10 minutes to evacuate what would I grab first (after people bien sur). For me, it would be my photographs. So why not digitize them so there is a usb stick in your safety deposit box or maybe put them on dropbox so you can access them from anywhere? Then it's one thing you will not have to grab as it has already been taken care of. What about an emergency binder? For you, your immediate family or for someone for whom you are a caregiver? When a medical emergency or other arises that is not the time to figure out what you may need and where it is. Reduce the stress now for the future.
What about recipes? How many files, boxes, binders or books do you have? Wouldn't it be great to just access it on your computer or phone so that when you are out visiting or grocery shopping you have it right there? No getting home from Safeway to realise you have forgotten the one ingredient that makes this dish special.
Papers - you are familiar I am sure with this clutter bug - piles and piles and piles of more paper. And it keeps coming every day in the post. There are the ones we are afraid to throw away either because of identity theft or because you may be audited. True, some of them need to be archived for record keeping but really only a minimum fit that category. Only up to 7 years of certain papers need to be kept. These can also be kept electronically. How nice would it be to regain all that space? It is prime real estate you know.
What about recipes? How many files, boxes, binders or books do you have? Wouldn't it be great to just access it on your computer or phone so that when you are out visiting or grocery shopping you have it right there? No getting home from Safeway to realise you have forgotten the one ingredient that makes this dish special.
Papers - you are familiar I am sure with this clutter bug - piles and piles and piles of more paper. And it keeps coming every day in the post. There are the ones we are afraid to throw away either because of identity theft or because you may be audited. True, some of them need to be archived for record keeping but really only a minimum fit that category. Only up to 7 years of certain papers need to be kept. These can also be kept electronically. How nice would it be to regain all that space? It is prime real estate you know.
Moving House/Office
Quel nightmare - even the thought of moving is keeping you up at night. Let's break it down into manageable chunks. It's true moving is right up there on the stress metre but there are strategies that can reduce it to a reasonable level. You can be a part of the packing and moving process or you can delegate to me and carry on with your day to day. What about at the other end? I can be there to help get things ready and meet and manage the movers. Unpacking can be just as harried. Just throwing everything in a box to get to the new destination is only going to make the arrival worse. Let's do it in a way that makes it possible to function immediately once we've landed in the new home. We often need to roll with it in life but we can manage the trip a little to keep our sanity - always a plus.