A is for…
Today is the second letter in my anagram cycle. C.A.L.M.
A is for ATTITUDE.
I chose attitude because it is overused as an annoying mantra for positivity in our social groups nowadays. It brings to mind inane grinning while moving through the day. The timbre of a voice so excruciatingly false with contrived excitement that you would gladly Van Gogh your ears to be rid of it. These examples of a positive attitude are vapid and stressful.
Have a serious talk with yourself and decide what kind of attitude you would like to cultivate in yourself and consider helpful, real ways of doing it. For example, the attitude of mindfulness – I love the idea but seem to forget to do it when I’m in the fray. So in order not to be discouraged from attaining it, I have a trigger. I practice it when I’m sitting and observing or listening. When I could reach for my cell phone and look busy or bite my nails or attempt to do something constructive while I should be focussing on a quiet time task. Those triggers remind me to try and breathe and relax in the moment. Probably only 40% of the time but that is still a victory for me.
Attitude is also key to consistency and perseverance. What is the connection I hear you ask? The fact that if your attitude serves you and not only the expectations of others then you will never give up or stop trying. Accept that despite setbacks, blips, upheavals and life you will still be here tomorrow and that the best thing you can do for yourself today is to carry on. This is not the exciting, wow factor promise that you may be used to seeing on the cover of a glossy mag but there are few things in that mag that are real enough when translated into our honest, everyday existence (maybe I stand alone but my living room/kitchen never looks like those photos in House Beautiful even after I’ve emptied the dishwasher and wiped the counter!)
So mull it over and see where you can be a friend to yourself. Tell the naysayers in your head to shut up and purposefully choose the attitude you want to be yours.
Today is the second letter in my anagram cycle. C.A.L.M.
A is for ATTITUDE.
I chose attitude because it is overused as an annoying mantra for positivity in our social groups nowadays. It brings to mind inane grinning while moving through the day. The timbre of a voice so excruciatingly false with contrived excitement that you would gladly Van Gogh your ears to be rid of it. These examples of a positive attitude are vapid and stressful.
Have a serious talk with yourself and decide what kind of attitude you would like to cultivate in yourself and consider helpful, real ways of doing it. For example, the attitude of mindfulness – I love the idea but seem to forget to do it when I’m in the fray. So in order not to be discouraged from attaining it, I have a trigger. I practice it when I’m sitting and observing or listening. When I could reach for my cell phone and look busy or bite my nails or attempt to do something constructive while I should be focussing on a quiet time task. Those triggers remind me to try and breathe and relax in the moment. Probably only 40% of the time but that is still a victory for me.
Attitude is also key to consistency and perseverance. What is the connection I hear you ask? The fact that if your attitude serves you and not only the expectations of others then you will never give up or stop trying. Accept that despite setbacks, blips, upheavals and life you will still be here tomorrow and that the best thing you can do for yourself today is to carry on. This is not the exciting, wow factor promise that you may be used to seeing on the cover of a glossy mag but there are few things in that mag that are real enough when translated into our honest, everyday existence (maybe I stand alone but my living room/kitchen never looks like those photos in House Beautiful even after I’ve emptied the dishwasher and wiped the counter!)
So mull it over and see where you can be a friend to yourself. Tell the naysayers in your head to shut up and purposefully choose the attitude you want to be yours.