This is a pre-cursor to the actual hellish shopping experience. Take 10 minutes to go through the house, art cupboard, desks that are now covered in stuffies and see what supplies you already have on hand. Of course your children will want new stuff but often, depending on their ages, for some of it they may not care or notice. Example, glue sticks. See what kind of supplies booty you can put together.
Ask your kids if they know of anything stashed away that can be used or if anything from last year is still useable. Depending on the child and age, geometry sets, binders etc may still be good for another year.
Keep adding to your master list as you realise the needs. You probably won’t have a complete list until next week from their specific teacher but at least knowing what you already have will help you feel more in control and ready for a quick shop to complete the gaps.
Here are some items you may want to include in your list that the teacher won’t specify but may make your life easier:
Water bottle (extra one)
Lunch containers
Lunch kit
Transit pass (buy ahead this week or online)
Please add other items you think of in the comments!
See you tomorrow!