This is it – the moment you’ve all been waiting for – back to school is here or as the French say ‘la rentrée’! I actually dread back to school, I like having my babies with me but of course they need the routine too. And so, as we get ready to take on the new school year let’s not make it a hyper, stressful, ridiculous endeavour. The last week of summer hols should be just that – hols, not a panicked race for school supplies and mad cleaning, crazy planning etc.
Before we begin please have on hand a list maker – either pen and paper or your phone. Something you won’t forget at home and that you can add to throughout our time together this week.
One task a day to help us on our way. Day 1 is Clothing. Today take some time to go through your children’s closet and dresser. Remove all stained, damaged and too small clothing. Also, let go of anything that for whatever reason they don’t wear. Some kids are sensitive to styles, textures, collars etc. Let it bless someone else. Straight into the donate bag and into your car. This includes footwear and winter gear. This may require a try-on session with your kids which is why it may take the better part of the day!
Once these are gone from the wardrobe space let’s look at what we’ve got left and how many of each item is left. Let’s be reasonable, how many pairs of socks, undies, shorts, hoodies etc are necessary? If the drawers don’t close easily than you still have too much and must choose your favourites. If your child cannot easily access their clothing they will most likely not put it away as it’s too much of a chore. Help yourself here. Most children need enough for 10 days as you will do washing regularly so no need to stockpile clothing.
Keep a list of what items you need to pick up to complete their outfits. Write the sizes needed as well. I would suggest detailing which child said item is for. Once you’re in the store or online shopping the less thinking required the better.
If you have a reserve of energy left after this clear out then start shopping but only for the items on your list. Online shopping is a great convenience and saves money as you are not tempted by the deals along the way. This is not a race though – marketing makes us feel that if all is not done by day 1 of school then we have failed. Enough is enough! Time wise, sanity wise and money wise this may take awhile. Let it.
Let us know how you do!
Before we begin please have on hand a list maker – either pen and paper or your phone. Something you won’t forget at home and that you can add to throughout our time together this week.
One task a day to help us on our way. Day 1 is Clothing. Today take some time to go through your children’s closet and dresser. Remove all stained, damaged and too small clothing. Also, let go of anything that for whatever reason they don’t wear. Some kids are sensitive to styles, textures, collars etc. Let it bless someone else. Straight into the donate bag and into your car. This includes footwear and winter gear. This may require a try-on session with your kids which is why it may take the better part of the day!
Once these are gone from the wardrobe space let’s look at what we’ve got left and how many of each item is left. Let’s be reasonable, how many pairs of socks, undies, shorts, hoodies etc are necessary? If the drawers don’t close easily than you still have too much and must choose your favourites. If your child cannot easily access their clothing they will most likely not put it away as it’s too much of a chore. Help yourself here. Most children need enough for 10 days as you will do washing regularly so no need to stockpile clothing.
Keep a list of what items you need to pick up to complete their outfits. Write the sizes needed as well. I would suggest detailing which child said item is for. Once you’re in the store or online shopping the less thinking required the better.
If you have a reserve of energy left after this clear out then start shopping but only for the items on your list. Online shopping is a great convenience and saves money as you are not tempted by the deals along the way. This is not a race though – marketing makes us feel that if all is not done by day 1 of school then we have failed. Enough is enough! Time wise, sanity wise and money wise this may take awhile. Let it.
Let us know how you do!