Beneath, under, underneath, below – in this situation we will be considering it in terms of THE FLOOR. Stop where you are standing in your house. Look around and count how many things are on the floor. Whether they are there intentionally or not. Are you surprised?
I did this a while ago when we had the sniffer dogs in checking for bedbugs. We got the all clear – it had been a plague in this area so for peace of mind we had our home checked. What struck me as I was preparing for the visit was how much stuff I had to move so the dog could access every nook and cranny and get right up to the skirting boards.
It got me thinking of other repercussions of the tidy but full floor sitch. The most obvious is cleaning. We all like to think of ourselves as clean. The harsh reality to ponder though is how clean can you really be if you can’t access all areas with ease? This is a hard one to take – I speak of what I know. The mental gymnastics it takes to pull all the cables, routers, x boxes etc away from the walls leaves me devoid of will.
The other consequence I was forced to acknowledge was when we had to call the ambulance in the middle of the night. (all good). As we were waiting for them to arrive I was trying to see clearly – usually wear contacts – remain calm and also put things away so they had unimpeded access to the person in need.
It’s true, the majority of us do not often need to clear the way for first responders. One truth I have found is that if you can address certain issues during times of calm you do your future self a great service.
The immediate difference you may be thankful for is having to get up in the night or very early when it’s still dark outside. To be able to safely and confidently stagger to the bathroom without dislocating a toe on a lone Lego piece is priceless.
Now, if you feel this is something that needs some attention in your space please do not despair. It’s a process. Take one room or area at a time. There are no rules, no grades and no judgement. Just be aware. As you begin to tackle this task keep in mind the power bars, chargers etc that you use. Make sure they are in good condition and not a hazard in any way.
Enjoy the serenity,