Looking on the positive side, it was a good dry run before the potentially hard winter comes a knockin'. How ready were you?
How well did your family members, young and old deal with being out of their comfort zone?
How comfortable were you or your family without the telly, wii, cell phones, hand held game devices, internet etc?
Was it ok but strange to sit and play cards or board games by candle light? Aside from the candle light maybe this is something to work on.
Why is our down time so dependent on things that isolate us and stifle our social skills?
You may reason, 'no problem, if I don't have those things I'll be fine. They aren't necessities.' Correct, but they represent a large part of our norm. To not have them, for some, is disconcerting. Why not block some time or evenings, week ends without these things so that they don't represent security and stability for us and our families? We can appreciate their role in our lives but they do not deserve the responsibility, privilege or power of deciding whether we are ok, having a good time or what we talk about.
Take a second and think of what simple to do's could make it easier on all of you next time.
Personally, I will have more batteries to hand, the odd sizes included.
An extra battery for each powerful flashlight.
I will move the camping stove up to our main living space instead of storing it with all the camping gear in the storage unit downstairs. There was no way to see enough to get it out for use.
I will have all candles, matches and paper dishes at the front of the cupboard on the top shelf. There was no hot water to wash dishes and the dishwasher starts to smell after being full for more than a day.
I will do my best to charge all my devices each night so they are ready to go.
I will check regularly that my emergency charger is charged.
All common sense but not at the forefront of our mind until we're in the situation. Learn from your procrastination and get it done. That is your challenge this month my friends, one level of your emergency preparedness. Don't get overwhelmed and take on every possible scenario. Focus on one level for this week or month.