In short, because life never ends. Do you put on clean undergarments daily? Do you wash daily? Do you sleep daily? Do you eat daily?
Assuming you answered ‘yes’ to the complete interrogation then you can see the connection between these daily necessities and organisation.
Consider what your life is like when one of the previous are not adequately satiated or addressed for even one day. You are discombobulated. It may be hard to explain to someone else but you can feel it. The hair that doesn’t sit right, the slight aroma that probably only you are aware of but is constantly in the back of your mind, the mental fog that hovers insistently, the sugar high or low that affects your reactions, moods and ultimately relationships. Whew! What a mess.
Now put daily organising on that list. Many people think that what they need is to ‘just get organised’, like it’s some ‘once saved always saved’ task they can permanently check off their to do list. Sadly, mes amis, if you are in this mindset you are deluding yourselves.
Life is alive. Everyday we are part of new experiences - good and bad, activities, social interactions, mundane tasks etc. Inevitably these translate into mess, disarray, clutter entering our lives – in our homes, cars, bags or minds. This is a great thing – it means you are living life! Don’t let it go!
Start your clutter management today by not letting today’s life clutter live to become an add-on to what will come tomorrow. Throw out the garbage of today, the recycling of today, the sweet wrappers in your handbag, the redundant school notices sent home in duplicates or triplicates etc. Stay focussed on daily clutter and the rest will come.
Assuming you answered ‘yes’ to the complete interrogation then you can see the connection between these daily necessities and organisation.
Consider what your life is like when one of the previous are not adequately satiated or addressed for even one day. You are discombobulated. It may be hard to explain to someone else but you can feel it. The hair that doesn’t sit right, the slight aroma that probably only you are aware of but is constantly in the back of your mind, the mental fog that hovers insistently, the sugar high or low that affects your reactions, moods and ultimately relationships. Whew! What a mess.
Now put daily organising on that list. Many people think that what they need is to ‘just get organised’, like it’s some ‘once saved always saved’ task they can permanently check off their to do list. Sadly, mes amis, if you are in this mindset you are deluding yourselves.
Life is alive. Everyday we are part of new experiences - good and bad, activities, social interactions, mundane tasks etc. Inevitably these translate into mess, disarray, clutter entering our lives – in our homes, cars, bags or minds. This is a great thing – it means you are living life! Don’t let it go!
Start your clutter management today by not letting today’s life clutter live to become an add-on to what will come tomorrow. Throw out the garbage of today, the recycling of today, the sweet wrappers in your handbag, the redundant school notices sent home in duplicates or triplicates etc. Stay focussed on daily clutter and the rest will come.