Ok, we’re in full swing now. Today is about the tomorrow box/la boîte de demain. Planning for the next day is crucial to a calm morning. How many mornings would you describe as calm? -Exactly.
Choosing the outfit for the next day helps you cross one more decision off your to do list before the day runs away from you. Children benefit from structure and routine. This is not a cliché, it’s true.
Think about the layout of their rooms, the way they move and get ready before school. Where would it make sense to have a tomorrow box? Not in the middle of the floor, not where they can’t reach it and have to ask for your help. The point is to simplify the morning madness not add to it.
There is a dual purpose to the tomorrow box. Firstly, to help your children prep for the next day but not be overwhelmed. They become a little more independent with your guidance. They learn how to take into consideration the weather and planned activities of the next day.
Secondly, in the morning they are able to get dressed without a lot of questions, help and delay. They feel in control and ready to move onto the next task.
This in no way requires you to go shopping for a tomorrow box. Use a box, basket, bag, shelf or drawer that you already have available. The important bit is for it to always be in the same place and for nothing else to invade the designated space.
This task is fairly straight forward and short so if you need to fine tune a few details from yesterday (Task 1) then you will only be doing your future self a favour!
Photos and Comments are always welcome!
Choosing the outfit for the next day helps you cross one more decision off your to do list before the day runs away from you. Children benefit from structure and routine. This is not a cliché, it’s true.
Think about the layout of their rooms, the way they move and get ready before school. Where would it make sense to have a tomorrow box? Not in the middle of the floor, not where they can’t reach it and have to ask for your help. The point is to simplify the morning madness not add to it.
There is a dual purpose to the tomorrow box. Firstly, to help your children prep for the next day but not be overwhelmed. They become a little more independent with your guidance. They learn how to take into consideration the weather and planned activities of the next day.
Secondly, in the morning they are able to get dressed without a lot of questions, help and delay. They feel in control and ready to move onto the next task.
This in no way requires you to go shopping for a tomorrow box. Use a box, basket, bag, shelf or drawer that you already have available. The important bit is for it to always be in the same place and for nothing else to invade the designated space.
This task is fairly straight forward and short so if you need to fine tune a few details from yesterday (Task 1) then you will only be doing your future self a favour!
Photos and Comments are always welcome!