Ok, here goes. My acronym this morning – C.A.L.M. Very often I find acronyms contrived, I suppose by their very nature that must be the case but it irks me nonetheless. I seem to latch onto one letter of the whole and that is what I remember. So, for the next 4 weeks I will blurb about one letter at a time. At the end you can decide if you like them all, one or none. My hope is that they will inspire you to create or adapt your own principle to give you some guidance or help you materialize your mental meanderings during the week.
Sometimes we aren’t very clear on what we like or not or how we feel until we are faced with something and then it becomes clear. The actual process of thought is the desired outcome. If anything in this blog helps you on this journey then – success.
C is for cookie – just a little Sesame Street moment to check if you’re paying attention. This morning C will be for CALCULATE. This word is often used to denote something negative. Let’s flip the coin and see what positive aspects it has to offer us.
Consider, take account of, measure, figure, determine. Great words. In the context of the stuff, people or activities in your life these words have another level.
When you go shopping, whether it be in the shops, online, at garage sales, consignments, at your friend’s house etc. CALCULATE. What you are doing there, what are you drawn to buy and why, what are you actually bringing back home? Project to the future, after the initial rush of a purchase how will you feel about it? Guilty, happy, non plussed? Only you know the answers.
The people that are privileged to be a part of your world. CALCULATE. Do they love you or their idea of you? Do they add to your existence and also, importantly, are you able to add to theirs? Healthy relationships are two fold. Do they help you love life and support your efforts to always strive for a better you? Only you know the answers.
Your crazy, busy schedule. CALCULATE. Is your day filled with activities that cultivate fulfillment or peace of mind, a sense of purpose or are you like a hamster on a wheel? What is the worst that will happen if you say ‘No thank you” to an invite or commitment? Hint, - nothing bad will happen. You will feel great relief if you can get through the 10 seconds it takes to actually decline. Only you know the answers.