Let's just turn the tables a moment - if one of your favourite people (relative, friend, mate) confided in you that they felt overwhelmed, had feelings of not being worth it, that the state of their home left them isolated because they were embarrassed to have anyone visit, what would be your response? 'Yes, you're right, you suck, you don't deserve it, what are you thinking?!' Of course not, that would be the furthest thing from your mind.
You would encourage them, love them, be their champion. You would be saddened by the way they were beating themselves up and how it was so adversely affecting their quality of life. It's a terrible thing to witness.
So, now think about this - why are you any different? What advice or counsel would you give yourself? You deserve the exact same love, consideration and assistance that you would naturally offer to those who mean something to you. So let's just get it going, the smartest people are smart enough to ask for help and then get on with enjoying their lives.