Stop and think about whether or not you consider your present day life to be manageable. The vast majority of us – if we are honest with ourselves would not describe our existence as manageable.
Controllable, governable, workable, EASY. Oh the dream! But does it have to stay a dream? Personellement, I think not. It does require concentrated effort.
Firstly, think carefully about what makes you feel that things in your daily grind are not manageable. It could be big things like relationships, accommodation, career or it could also be on a smaller scale – too many clothes to choose from, disorganized finances, too much clutter, too much technology, too many books, not enough sleep. Whatever it may be – identify it.
Now, think of what advice you would give a friend if they told you this was their bug bear that they were struggling with. Next, I’m sure this advice was sound but what holds you back from applying it to yourself? I already know the answer because I share your pain – it’s much easier to apply your advice to others than to put it into practice yourself.
I challenge you to just do it! (No, this is not an advert for Nike but they were definitely on to something.)
Decide to donate a bag to charity each week – clothes, shoes, handbags, dishes, books, sheets, towels, art supplies, food, furniture, games, sports equipment, plants, bibelots, unused toiletries, alcohol – whatever form it may inhabit in your world – REDUCE IN ORDER TO MANAGE.
Controllable, governable, workable, EASY. Oh the dream! But does it have to stay a dream? Personellement, I think not. It does require concentrated effort.
Firstly, think carefully about what makes you feel that things in your daily grind are not manageable. It could be big things like relationships, accommodation, career or it could also be on a smaller scale – too many clothes to choose from, disorganized finances, too much clutter, too much technology, too many books, not enough sleep. Whatever it may be – identify it.
Now, think of what advice you would give a friend if they told you this was their bug bear that they were struggling with. Next, I’m sure this advice was sound but what holds you back from applying it to yourself? I already know the answer because I share your pain – it’s much easier to apply your advice to others than to put it into practice yourself.
I challenge you to just do it! (No, this is not an advert for Nike but they were definitely on to something.)
Decide to donate a bag to charity each week – clothes, shoes, handbags, dishes, books, sheets, towels, art supplies, food, furniture, games, sports equipment, plants, bibelots, unused toiletries, alcohol – whatever form it may inhabit in your world – REDUCE IN ORDER TO MANAGE.