People, things, habits, answers, opinions - all become just part of the scenery if we don’t stay vigilant. As you look at your surroundings how many things would you buy again, choose again, keep, if you were given the choice? If you take stock of your association – friends, acquaintances etc would you invite these ones back into your life if you had a do-over?
This does not mean we have given ourselves an all clear to eject undesirables from our lives willy nilly – be they objects or people. The way to construct a healthy environment emotionally, materially, financially, spiritually or otherwise is to take the time to consider the scenery instead of just accepting it because society tells us that is what’s expected.
You may not be an all or nothing type person. Radical change does not suit everyone. Purposeful editing, contemplation and setting some boundaries may be just the ticket. Even a subtle change in detail can have a huge impact psychologically. This can be applied to the tchotchkes you have on your shelf to the person you regularly hang out with.
It’s a new year which is a major inspiration for some to re-vamp their lives. Whether you attack your scenery now or later – ask your own questions, answer your own questions honestly, set your own comfort zone.
This does not mean we have given ourselves an all clear to eject undesirables from our lives willy nilly – be they objects or people. The way to construct a healthy environment emotionally, materially, financially, spiritually or otherwise is to take the time to consider the scenery instead of just accepting it because society tells us that is what’s expected.
You may not be an all or nothing type person. Radical change does not suit everyone. Purposeful editing, contemplation and setting some boundaries may be just the ticket. Even a subtle change in detail can have a huge impact psychologically. This can be applied to the tchotchkes you have on your shelf to the person you regularly hang out with.
It’s a new year which is a major inspiration for some to re-vamp their lives. Whether you attack your scenery now or later – ask your own questions, answer your own questions honestly, set your own comfort zone.