‘Tis the season after all – to clean, to purge, to sort, to organise, to declutter, but the more difficult choice – to sell or to donate?
Both have their merits but they are vastly different. The decision to have a garage sale or to sell items online, consignment, etc. may be very beneficial financially but then again, depending on your wares it may also be a 6 hour exercise in frustration.
The value assigned to certain items is relative. Its value may be influenced by your memories, how you used it, where it came from and how long you’ve had it. For the random punter, its value is often less and the thrill of the deal becomes paramount. The real entertainment comes when 2 or more are trying to possess it – let the games begin!
Behind the scenes of the selling decision, that is of the ultimate importance. Take into account the time, know-how, photos to be taken for online selling, uploading, keeping up with the interest, meeting with the interested parties, bargaining, setting up, cleaning up – it goes on. This though can also be part of the drive for some – being outside, the social component, the process itself.
To donate – this sense of goodwill is very soul soothing. Out of your excess someone else can have their daily needs met. In parts of the world where abundance is everywhere why not give back? There is the question of where, how and who to donate to – charities are also omnipresent. Some are not bothered as they feel anyone in need is worthy. Others have special charities that touch their hearts and that determine their decision. It’s a personal choice, no right or wrong about it.
Practically speaking as far as donation is concerned there is the issue of which items certain charities will accept. Many are not able to accept furniture for example. Others specialise in clothing only. So you may want to have your giving piles separated for individual uses.
Getting your gifts to the actual charity may also present a challenge. Will you transport it yourself; will you get someone to help you? Will the charity pick up? Is it necessary to schedule a pick up? Do you have to be home for the pick up? These finer details may influence the choices you make.
In conclusion, here are some main factors to ponder if you are struggling with what choice to make:
Time involved – how much are you willing to spend in this endeavour?
Effort necessary – how much follow through will be required?
Physical energy needed – do you have it or will you need to rely on someone else’s?
Finances – is the money worth it to you?
These considerations are not a deterrent in your desire to donate or sell, they are merely a preceding thought process that will simplify and clarify which path you take.
Both have their merits but they are vastly different. The decision to have a garage sale or to sell items online, consignment, etc. may be very beneficial financially but then again, depending on your wares it may also be a 6 hour exercise in frustration.
The value assigned to certain items is relative. Its value may be influenced by your memories, how you used it, where it came from and how long you’ve had it. For the random punter, its value is often less and the thrill of the deal becomes paramount. The real entertainment comes when 2 or more are trying to possess it – let the games begin!
Behind the scenes of the selling decision, that is of the ultimate importance. Take into account the time, know-how, photos to be taken for online selling, uploading, keeping up with the interest, meeting with the interested parties, bargaining, setting up, cleaning up – it goes on. This though can also be part of the drive for some – being outside, the social component, the process itself.
To donate – this sense of goodwill is very soul soothing. Out of your excess someone else can have their daily needs met. In parts of the world where abundance is everywhere why not give back? There is the question of where, how and who to donate to – charities are also omnipresent. Some are not bothered as they feel anyone in need is worthy. Others have special charities that touch their hearts and that determine their decision. It’s a personal choice, no right or wrong about it.
Practically speaking as far as donation is concerned there is the issue of which items certain charities will accept. Many are not able to accept furniture for example. Others specialise in clothing only. So you may want to have your giving piles separated for individual uses.
Getting your gifts to the actual charity may also present a challenge. Will you transport it yourself; will you get someone to help you? Will the charity pick up? Is it necessary to schedule a pick up? Do you have to be home for the pick up? These finer details may influence the choices you make.
In conclusion, here are some main factors to ponder if you are struggling with what choice to make:
Time involved – how much are you willing to spend in this endeavour?
Effort necessary – how much follow through will be required?
Physical energy needed – do you have it or will you need to rely on someone else’s?
Finances – is the money worth it to you?
These considerations are not a deterrent in your desire to donate or sell, they are merely a preceding thought process that will simplify and clarify which path you take.